Friday, 13 December 2019

What I do after my SPM result is out ?

Assalam and hye! In this entry, I want to share what I do after I got my spm result.

  1. Mohon SAPS ( ni paling wajib !)
Before dapat result, kita boleh mohon mana2 je, dia tak filter pun ikut kita punya course or result. So, lepas dapat result kena revise balik apa yang kita dah submit. Ada certain yang kita dah mohon hilang/ unavailable to apply (either sebab course kita ambik tak sesuai mohon course tu @ result tak sesuai untuk mohon that particular course) 

Just sharing what I applied for :) Memang antara accounting dengan law, susah sangat nak pilih mana but at last I chose accounting. Great choice !

      2. Mohon scholarship

Result dah bagus, rugi la tak mohon kan hehe. Part scholarship ni, Izzah sangat membantu lah sebab dia tau banyak jenis scholarship yang ada and mana yang aku boleh mohon semua aku mohon ( yang kena dengan course la hehe ). Antara scholarship yang aku mohon:

  • JPA MARA ( Accounting in New Zealand )
  • Petronas ( Accounting )
  • Sime Darby ( Accounting ) 
  • tak ingat dah 
unnecessary picture but yeah

      3. Mohon IPG 

Kalau tak silap boleh mohon before dapat result tapi lepas keluar result baru keluar keputusan layak ke interview or tak. Ohh pasal interview boleh check out this post Temu duga IPG .

      4. Pergi ke OPEN DAY university

Open day ni memang function la especially kalau dah tau nak ambik course apa. Usually, it will be held whole day (moring till evening) .Banyak jugak university@college yang akan promote Open Day kat ads Instagram (based on my experience). So, open day yang aku pergi was UITM DENGKIL open day ( eventho takde course yg aku nk ambik, saja je pergi ).
Kat situ, akan ada satu bilik untuk each course yang ada kat uitm dengkil (law,tesl, science & engineering). Akan ada mcm advisor kat situ , they will explain pasal schedule kat situ macam mana, course tu sesuai ke tak dengan kita, basically apa yang kita tanya dia akan jawab. It was 1 to 1 session. So, feel free to ask !

morning view at uitm dengkil i guess?

singgah IOI jap . ( ni tujuan utama sebenarnya )
      5. Interview for what I applied 

Actually, I already did an entry about this so yeah check these out ! JPA MARAIV CAT-ACCA UITM .

     6. Forum

So, I was invited by my teacher to be one of the panels in the forum regarding 'How to Excel in Examination'. I was so embarrassed because at first, she was just gonna invite me as the representative for SPM so I begged her to invite another friend and luckily, she did. Teacher dah bagi pun soalan2 yang akan ditanya tapi tah kenapa aku poyo betul practice biasa2 je konon nak spontan. Dah sedar diri tu tak pandai cakap depan orang ramai tapi cenggitu lak perangai. Bila tengok my other panel yang teacher jemput, woahhh so different from me. Diorang siap buat paragraph lagi utk each question. 

Menunggu audience .. WHUTTT

Alolo cutenya aku malu2. BTW that girl beside me NAILED IT! Tips dia; pegang phone 2jam je sehari . I can't relatee

gambar blur :( Tak expect pulak dapat hadiah *facepalm*

lepak dulu kelas member 

That's all for now maybe. See you in the next entry!


Salam and hye :) Entry kali ni nak share about my SPM Result D-Day.

Malam before hari result pun dah berdebar sangat-sangat sebab takut below expectation. Even though lepas jawab exam tu tau susah , paper mana yang confident, paper mana yg dah memang tawakkal je, i still pray everyday supaya dpt straight A's. Never lose hope !

Pagi tu, bangun awal and prepare nak ambik result kat sekolah. Actually berkumpul kat sekolah pukul 10 camtu, and pukul berapa awal sikit tu dah boleh check result guna sms dengan link website. Mula2 taknak tengok awal2 sebab nak tau kat sekolah. Tapi, bila guna link yang dibagi tu tak keluar pun result. Dia kata no ic tak betul lah ape lah. Dah try banyak kali pun tak boleh jugak. So sebab tk sabar terus gerak pergi sekolah dengan papa. Bila dah sampai tu, papa asalnya nak hantar je sebab ada kerja tapi aku pujuk la mintak stay kejap time result di announce. Mama pun asalnya nak ikut pegi sekolah tapi aku kata tak payah sebab apa tah. Rasanya mama pun macam ade benda nak kena buat kat sekolah tapi mama okey je nak ambik cuti. Aku la nape tah. Ohh, I was afraid my result would be bad.

-at dewan sekolah-
Aku pun salam la dengan cikgu-cikgu yang dah lama tak jumpa. Pastu ada teacher Fadzilah tanya aku dh tengok result ke belum, aku kata belum. Pastu teacher senyum2 je. And then aku pun duduk la dengan kawan-kawan yang dah lama jugak tak jumpa.

Hello faaz! Ni memang geng gossip la hehe nasib baik ada tempat kosong.

Pastu kitorang pun gossip2 la. Katanya tahun ni finally ada yang straight A tapi sorang je (dah 2 tahun takde straight A, last time ada pun sorang je ;Amirul Azmi). Time dengar tu, aku pun cam dah lose hope sikit, sebab sorang je dapat so aku rasa cam impossible la aku, tapi dalam hati dah doa harap2 yang sorang tu aku. Yela, ada zati, hazzam macam mana aku nak kalahkan diorang kan. Lepastu tengok kat status ws faizah post "sikitnya 4A je" . Aku pun dah gelabah yelaa faizah pun kira pandai kut kalau dia dapat 4A agak2 aku dapat berapa.

Lepastu start la ucapan pengetua, comparison improvement semua tu. Aaannndd tiba masanya untuk announce the mvp of the day ;

time nak naik ni rasa terkilan pulak takde mama, patutnya ajak je mama 😒
kinda sad bcuz mama wasn't there during the best day of my lifeπŸ’”

MY NAME WAS ANNOUNCED AS THE STUDENT WHO GOT STRAIGHT A'S 😭😭😭😭😭 I cried immediately in disbelief. What I felt that day was, I was so happy that I will die with no regret. I couldn't believe this miracle would happen to me. And what I felt the most was, aku takkan dapat result macam ni tanpa doa orang lain, SERIOUSLY. Aku rasa macam apa yang aku dapat ni, bukan usaha aku, tapi berkat doa orang yang mendoakan aku. Whoever they are. Thank youπŸ’“

Time turun stage tu kan, aku nak peluk papa tapi papa awkward gila tak sweet langsung πŸ˜‚ Lepastu papa terus pergi kerja "nanti papa datang ambik balik" aku pun 'okey' la. Sebab ingat nak lambat2 sikit nak spend time dengan kawan, yela dah lama tak jumpa kan. 

ZIV my frienemies πŸ’–

Faaz but not all ( asab absent )

hmm tu je kut heheh. Baii

ps: sampai sekarang cuna rasa menyesal sebab tak ajak mama pergi sekolah

Thursday, 12 December 2019


HI <3 It's been a while. This is my second Thursday at home after my sem break. I don't know why but I wasn't excited to go home for break. Padahal dah sebulan lebih tak balik sbb exam :0 Maybe because mama and papa visit me regularly at college so I'm not homesick. Plus, I can imagine what I'm gonna do at home during break. Kemas, masak, sidai baju, angkat baju, semua yang baju2 lah. And I feel like a 1-month break is too short :3 4weeks only hmm.

Before, I'd use Twitter to write how I feel, what I did on that particular day. But now, I feel like my privacy has been invaded. I don't want to private my acc but somebody would be over-conscious about it. Whenever I posted something, he'd like it and sometimes comment on the post. The problem is, he's the only one who does that. When I post something depressing, he'd be over-worried and post advice for me. Anything he did makes me feel uncomfortable. I liked it better when nobody paid attention to me. They'd just be informed with my latest activities and that's it.

Blogger feels safer and I don't know why but it feels at home when I open the blog right now. Now, while I'm writing a new post, it reminds me of the past. When everyone in my school was using blog and we'd follow and promote each other's blog. It shows our creativity to write and design our blog.  Even though it is posted to public as well, I don't think anybody would find my post. Even when I search at google the title of the post that I published, I couldn't find it. Hm maybe blog has more privacy than Twitter, I guess?

Every time I'm about to start my holiday, I'd imagine a very productive ME.
It's a refreshing morning, I'd start my day by cleaning myself, I took the toothbrush and brushing my teeth while humming my fav song, I wash my face and look at the mirror, "Let's start the day!"
I eat a light breakfast before I go to the gym to jog on the treadmill machine. I watch my fav show while jogging, then I change to listen to a high tempo song, which will burn my spirit to exercise energetically. If I don't go to the gym, I'd follow an exercise video on youtube at home. My body sweats heavily, OH YEAH CALORIES BURNED! Every single day. I tone up my muscle and reduce all the fats in my body, I look at the scale and my weight has reduced to 50,48,47.45 and- 44 kg! I achieved my ideal body weight! I feel confident. I look at the mirror, my flabby arms fat, GONE! My annoying belly and back fat, I see abs there o.o My thighs and calves became so toned that I can choose any trousers without worrying it would show my legs shape. 

Back to reality. I DIDN'T DO ANY OF THAT. yet.
I wake up when the sun was already up. My mum is yelling me. I start to clean the house, hang the clothes, clean the kitchen, cook for lunch. Eh it's already 2 o'clock ha? Then, I clean myself and perform zuhr prayer. I lunch together with my family after that. Clean again. I play with my phone (youtube obviously), watch my oppas and eh it's already asar. Solat. If I feel rajin I lipat the baju and then phone again. maghrib-dinner-isyak. Phone again ; drama, movies, twitter until 2am. And wake up for subuh and sleep again until 9. And the cycle continues..In the end, she didn't lose any weight but just gain more.

That's it, for now, hehe so long kan. Next time, I'll post about my 2019.